Ranting through the night...

Yes, please, scold me...I'm bad. Because out of the fusion of languages I know how to speak and write I favor English so painfully obviously. Haha. Once and again...albeit a tad shakily, with some mis-spellings and same sucky punctuation, I have chosen to express my whiny inner self this way.


So what is the rant-de-jour?


Well first off...I'M SICK....yes...I have a fever that prevents me from sleeping, which in turn gives me a higher fever. I've had a stupid common cold for almost two months now and that means I have to go see a doctor. I don't particularly trust doctors, they've screwed me over in so many ways in the past that I shudder at the tought. The ones who HAVEN'T screwed me over are the ones who repeptititvely tell me "Lets wait and see"...now what the heck kinda medical advise is that? Wait and see until what? The problem cures itself? The patient spontaneously combusts? I quit whining about what's wrong with me?



 I have to hand it to them though, they've never accused me of being paranoid or imagining that I'm in pain. I guess those times I've been rushed to the hospital because of my stomach, my pain has been too obvious to deny it. Still all they can come up with is starving me for one day and giving me a drip. Which basically just fucks with my mood, I get moody when I don't eat. Then they send me home, mumble something about "vague test results" and "being in touch if the problem persists" and tell me to take more painkillers. I'M ALREADY TAKING MORE THAN THE FUCKING LIMIT ALLOWS!!!!! 


Back to my current medical problem, the freaking cold that won't go away. I'm thinking some sort of sinus infection, ewww...but the last time I had a doctor come near my nose he ruined it. Now I have scarring inside my nose that cracks up and bleeds whenever the weather changes. Tell me that's not something you're supposed to get damages for? Well I'm too much of a wuss to check out what my rights are in that concern, specially since when I confronted the doctor about the problem he told me something about the bone growing in wrong. Well fuck that, I went for a second opinion to be sure and they told me it was fairly likely that the operation had been done wrong. Yay for that. Now I'm too scared to have it corrected.  Plus I'm not really sure what happened, well I am pretty sure but I don't trust myself and if I'm wrong that's a pretty big accusation to make so I'll just be sure to say openly...I AM NOT ACCUSING ANYONE OF MALPRACTICE...just saying what I suspect and what has been told to me by other professionals.


I have a very long love-hate relationship with doctors. More hate than love to be honest. When I was 3 years old I kicked a doctor who tried to look into my ear. Can you blame me? I had a freakin ear-infection and that man wants to pull my ear and stick some foreign object into it!! I was never much concerned about people's feelings back then...If for some reason I felt threatened or uncomfortable I'd kick, scream and hurt. These days I feel less comfortable with kicking doctors for their insensitive mistakes. I'd rather grit my teeth, smile and wave...just smile and wave.


That's that for now.


If you don't like it....don't wanna know, don't care.



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1 Smámynd: Sandra Grettisdóttir

Hæ, hope you're feeling better:)

Sandra Grettisdóttir, 2.12.2007 kl. 02:50

2 identicon

Damn this moggablogg... I was gonna comment but I always get distracted by this Ruslpóstvörn. Þarf alltaf að reikna með puttunum!

Oh and I finally blogged too, believe it or not! 

Marta A (IP-tala skráð) 7.12.2007 kl. 17:50

3 identicon

Awaken Blog!

Be Dead NO MORE!

*blogg lifnar við*


The Bringer of Life! (not Jesus though, that would be Guðlast) (IP-tala skráð) 9.12.2007 kl. 00:40

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